Birthday Reflection
Monday of last week, 3rd July, marked the
beginning of my 20th year on this planet (double decades, woo!) and
the day before, 2nd July, marked the exact middle point of 2017, the
beginning of the second half of the year. This led me to think about what my 20
years has taught me, if it has taught me anything, and what I would like the
rest of the year, as well as the next 20 years to bring.
Life is hard
Granted some days are harder than others, and helpful
methods such as yoga and meditation are the key to battling and controlling
stress, but adult life is complicated. There is so much going on all the time,
a never ending to do list, and the looming thoughts that you should be doing
better no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
Having a small group of best friends will always
trump having a large group of just good friends
I used to be very jealous of the large groups of friends at
school who would always have the ‘gatherings’ at the weekend. The ones who
would never have to worry about who to sit with at lunchtime because there
would always be someone they were friends with there. I’ve never been
unpopular, but I was definitely not in the popular groups at school and always
wished I was. But now out of my teenage years, I am so grateful for my friends,
and our closeness that has carried through the years, compared to the larger
groups whose friendships all dispersed as time passed.
You have to work for what you want in this world
Nothing is handed to you on a plate. There has been a lot of
talk about success depending on who you know, rather than what you can do
recently, but despite this you still have to work hard to achieve what you
want. And hard work makes success more rewarding when you achieve what you work
Be yourself
I used to dislike my loud personality, and it’s true that at
times my inability to think before I speak can get me in trouble. But I’ve
learnt that my enthusiasm is exciting and I would hate hate hate to be shy and
quiet. And most importantly, I am proud of my bubbly, energetic, passionate
Targets and deadlines are your friends
You need to have goals in life to work towards, and having a
timeline to complete them gives you focus. When you have nothing on the
horizon, you can begin to feel lost and worthless – it actually makes me miss
school and college (sometimes). If you’re feeling unfocused, you just need a
new target to work towards, big or little, and you’ll begin to find yourself
Don’t compare yourself to others
Everyone is on their own path, learning similar lessons but
at completely different times and in completely different ways. Don’t feel like
you’re being left behind.
Manners cost nothing
Being kind and selfless automatically gains you respect from
others. A simple ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ can transform your interactions with
every person you meet for the better. And this world can always do with a bit
more kindness.
Life is short
You always regret the things you didn’t do rather than the
things you did, so don’t let any opportunities pass you by for the sake of
feeling scared. Time passes no matter what you do with your time and you only
get one life, so spend your time wisely and live with no regrets.
Everything happens for a reason
There have been so many things I have wished for like a
place at a school or a new job that just wasn’t meant to be. It doesn’t mean it
won’t ever become a reality, but for now, it wasn’t the right time. You just
have to trust that some higher power is in charge, leading you to bigger and
better things. Even if you feel like it’s the long way round, enjoy the lessons
learned from the journey. And I know there are so many things I would have
missed out on, people I wouldn’t have met, or things I wouldn’t have done, if I
had got what I wanted originally.
Friends and family are more important than
materialistic possessions
No matter where your life takes you, or what your career
ends up being, the things that really matter are your relationships with
people. Without them, you have no-one to share your success with. People don’t
stick around for an infinitive amount of time, so spend as much time as you can
with people who mean a lot to you. And ensure that they know they do.
Thank you for spending the time to read this post.
I’ve managed to reach double decades, learning a lot of
lessons on the way. But I still have so much more to learn and I can’t wait to
get out there to learn it. Here’s to the next decade...
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