All I Want For Christmas...

Dear Santa,

I sorry it's late notice but I've finally written my Christmas list! You see it's a lot trickier now I'm supposed to be a proper adult and now that I've grown out of the fighting my brother over the Argos catalogue stage, scribbling down thousands of the product numbers for your elves as reference.

So if, by some miracle I make it onto the nice list this year, here are some ideas:

- A career
Everything takes time. And it seems like this is the thing that will take the longest.

- Financial Independence
Not very likely until I sort my career out, to be honest. (And even then, as an actress, probably still not very likely...)

- Self-respect
Lost mine ages ago so if found, please return it.

- A pet rabbit
My bunny, Cloud, passed over the rainbow bridge in January and I miss having a fluffy hopping poop machine in my life, but apparently I'm definitely not allowed a new pet bunny until I move out of my parent's house.

- A new car
Mine works fine and I do love him (Ned), but I know there's hope that one day I will get a car who's windscreen washing jets actually spray the screen, rather than just dribbling down the bonnet.

- A boyfriend
I'm way too fussy for you to get this right at such short notice. But maybe it can be an early request for next year?

- My dream body
A balanced diet is having one biscuit in each hand, right? Also, I really enjoy eating my feelings so y'know...

- Drivers to learn how to correctly use their indicators
It's not that difficult. You should indicate before you slow down to turn to indicate that you're going to slow down to turn - 2017 has had too many emergency stops.

- Everyone to stop worrying that I don't get enough protein on my vegan diet
Just one of the woes of veganism. Just so y'know, the 9 essential amino acids that make up complete protein can be found in plant foods.

- Winning the lottery
A girl can dream.

If for some unknown reason you do deem this list unrealistic, (same as my Mum) then I guess I would quite like a new dressing gown.

I'll leave a mince pie out for you on Monday night. Have a safe sleigh ride! (And remember that our fireplace was knocked out a few years ago so you'll have to sneak in through the back door.)

Merry Christmas!

Lots of love, Annie xx

PS - If you do have some spare time, could you also look into world peace, an end to animal cruelty and impeaching Trump?

But please don't overwork the elves!


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