My Year In Review - 2017

In the words of John Lennon, "So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, and a new one just begun."

Thinking back over the last 12 months, I can safely say 2017 wasn't the best year of my life. Understatement of the year right there. But rather than dismissing it as complete disaster and starting again, I have collected my favourite memories and achievements of 2017 so I have something positive to look back on in the future. My 2017 in a nutshell - what I'm proud of, what I'm happy I got involved in and who I spent it with.

Becoming a Vegan
After 2 years of vegetarianism, I took the final step to Veganism in January this year. I did hover somewhere between veggie and vegan for the first few months of the year but when my sister moved back home, she was the final push I needed to commit to the plant-based life and I haven't looked back or regretted my decision at all.

My Sister Moving Back Home
My sister moved out to University 5(ish) years ago and I'd only see her a few times a year, but she got a new job in April and moved back home. It's been so nice to have a buddy to take to yoga classes and to try out the best Vegan-Friendly restaurants with. Without her moving home, my 2017 wouldn't have had nearly as many private dance parties in her bedroom with tambourines and didgeridoos and a lot less vegan pizza and brownies.

I have been very lucky to have seen so much theatre this year, some I enjoyed more than others. But here's a few of my favourites: Dreamgirls, Wicked, 42nd Street, The Addams Family, Follies and An American In Paris. I have seen so much talent and been so inspired by all these actors this year, I can't wait until I get to be in the shows I love to watch and get to call it my job.

"Tripod" the Ferret
In March, I found a ferret running along the pavement having escaped from his home and this little guy gave me an adventure which I wrote about and you can read it here: Shamless promo.

Peanut Butter and Banana Toast
I'd like to mark this year as the beginning of my obsession with peanut butter, but more than that, peanut butter and sliced banana on toast. It has become my all-time favourite breakfast. I have eaten more peanut butter in 2017 than the rest of my life combined, which is an achievement in itself and that is why this has made this list.

My Birthday Surprise
My two best friends have made the last decade special, not just the last year, so of course they were worth-mentioning. Aside from the regular Starbucks trips and dog walks, this year for my birthday they surprised me with an Escape Room experience at Enigma Quests. I had no idea what they were taking me to and we were running late, as usual, but they insisted on giving me clues to direct me how to get there but we just ended up getting lost in London and arrived a bit late. But when we got into the room and transformed into bandits trying to crack the codes and steal all the money from The Million Pound Heist. We did get quite a few clues to help us move along and we could only steal what we could fit into the one briefcase, (which was $320,580) but it was the best surprise and we had so much fun arguing over the clocks on the wall. So thank you again, girlies!

W1 Workshops
I am so happy that I have found Nancy & David who run W1 Workshops and I am very grateful for the supportive and safe space they provide for you to take risks as an actor and improve your craft. The opportunities they have provided and the progress I have made through their workshops and lessons has been the most valuable investment I made in 2017.

Joining RDG
I auditioned for a play, For Services Rendered, having lost my love for performing earlier in the year, and learnt how to be myself again with the help and support of their members. I was surprised to get cast again in their winter musical of 'White Christmas' and I think that was my top highlight of 2017. The overwhelming love and support from the whole cast, crew and audience members was so special, and I cried a lot when it came to an end. The photos taken at the dress rehearsal are incredible so I won't stop posting them over social media until you've seen each and every one!

This was just a brief collection of bit and pieces that made my 2017 so much fun. It took a good five months or so to really get going and nearly all of these highlights are from the latter half of the year... But I have had a lot of fun and met some incredible people so here's looking to 2018! It's always good to focus on the positives and learn from the things that didn't go your way.

Merry Christmas everyone and hope you have a Happy New Year! Let's make 2018 a good'un!


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