How I'm Preparing For Camp - 16 days to go!

It's now only 16 days until I fly out to camp and it's suddenly dawning on me that I haven't really got myself organised yet. I mean, I've cancelled my gym membership, I've handed in my notice at work and I'm trying to start thinking about what I need to pack, but I have no idea how many pair of shorts I will need to pack for 8 weeks! I feel a little (very) unprepared, but am trying to hold it together. I keep seeing lots of Camp America Storytellers flying out, or arriving at camp and it's making my small attempt at preparation seem pathetic, which it is, but that's going to change from now. So in short, my preparation for camp is well... um, I'm working on it. When I started applying to Camp America, I thought it would be super easy, and it was to a certain extent. The Camp America website has its own checklist to get you through the process: Profile, Payments, Placement, Visa, Insurance, Flights etc, so it seems simple, but there are a few hid...