How I'm Preparing For Camp - 16 days to go!

It's now only 16 days until I fly out to camp and it's suddenly dawning on me that I haven't really got myself organised yet. I mean, I've cancelled my gym membership, I've handed in my notice at work and I'm trying to start thinking about what I need to pack, but I have no idea how many pair of shorts I will need to pack for 8 weeks! I feel a little (very) unprepared, but am trying to hold it together. I keep seeing lots of Camp America Storytellers flying out, or arriving at camp and it's making my small attempt at preparation seem pathetic, which it is, but that's going to change from now.

So in short, my preparation for camp is well... um, I'm working on it.

When I started applying to Camp America, I thought it would be super easy, and it was to a certain extent. The Camp America website has its own checklist to get you through the process: Profile, Payments, Placement, Visa, Insurance, Flights etc, so it seems simple, but there are a few hidden costs and tick boxes that you have to go through. Visa photos, appointments and collecting your passport, interviews, police checks, recruitment fairs, medical forms etc...

But I've made it! I have been placed, I have signed my contract and confirmed my flight and now that I've completed the checklist on my Camp America profile, I feel accomplished but also very alone. Now it's my turn to fend for myself and prepare for camp as much as I can, and whatever happens, I guarantee I will be on the plane wishing I'd packed one more pair of undies...

I'll be in the 2018 version of this photo - how exciting!

My camp, Camp Alleghany for Girls in West Virginia, has its own uniform of Blue's and Whites. We wear a navy top with white shorts for opening day, then for dinner each evening it's white tops with navy shorts, and on Sunday's it's all whites. Other than that, I think pretty much anything goes clothing wise as long as it's appropriate. The only thing is my current pile of 'camp clothing' is all navy and white. I'm going to look like I just want to wear the camp uniform 24/7... to be honest I've always been a bit of a keen bean.

In terms of toiletries, we will make a group trip to Walmart on the first day of staff training week, so I don't need to worry about anything other than possibly moisturiser because I'm a bit fussy with what I put on my face. Let me hear y'all girls with combination skin agree.

Our NCCC  (Non-Camper Counsellor Club) Mom's have been in touch and are looking after all the girls like me who haven't been to camp before, and have actually written us a packing list which is a life saver:

My first question was, what on earth is a shower bucket?! I had visions of us using a bucket to scoop water out of the lake to wash ourselves with, an old camp tradition maybe? But no, just a way to carry your toiletries to and from the showers (I checked) as it's easier than trying to carry them all in your hands, similar to when you don't want to pay 5p for a carrier bag in a supermarket and balance a week's worth of groceries in your arms and stumble back to your car. Me and my mum had a good laugh in Ikea when I picked out the largest, most odd shaped containers that I was adamant I could pack in my suitcase and use as a shower bucket... "surely this wheelie bin would be suitable? No?"

My final two weeks before I fly to camp will be spent collecting the last few bits and pieces I need, such as crocs, which are surprisingly difficult to purchase for less than £20, (I remember when you could buy them at the market for £2 back in the day!) I only have 10 shifts left at work and then a few days to grab any last minute bits. I have also got myself a Monzo card, which is a bank card I can use overseas for free, and have a free SIM card from Camp America which I can put in my phone and use to call and text for the summer without my provider charging me an extortionate amount of money.

Surprisingly enough, writing this blog post has made me feel more prepared. Funny how things work, huh?

Camp America have their own participant zone, where they have lots of hints and tips for Counsellors to read through before they go, so check it out if you're heading off to camp soon! It has honestly helped me out a lot:

16 days to go! Camp Alleghany, I'm coming for you!


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